Thursday, March 9, 2023

Make A Scuffed Minecraft Plugin Because Im Learning


Why should you hire me?

Well, besides me claiming to be scuffed at programming, I'm really not all that scuffed since I'm an avid programmer who has 5 years of experience and 2 years of training (concurrent)

The reason I am scuffed is because I'm posting a job request despite knowing the minimal amount of knowledge on how to make a Minecraft plugin.

Please feel free to specify any feature you like as long as you limit it to 5 features. From making exploding rabbits to realizing your deepest desires (in bed), I won't judge, I'm just not that type of guy :)

Also, I will ask you whether or not you would like to be on Youtube to log my Minecraft development journey. Otherwise, I would not post it since I don't have your consent.

Thank you for reading this far. That's all.


: : : : :

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